With the Arms of Giant Mini BOX being released, the Top Player Council do not expect the meta to change all too much. Loading... is a strong card in and of itself, giving any deck capable of making a Rank 4 Xyz Monster the ability to make a Monster Negate, strengthening their generic Turn 1 play against a non-targeted matchup. We will have to see whether or not any of the new decks from the latest box, like Infinitrack for example, make a splash in the meta at least as a Rogue option.
Tier 1
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Mekk-Knights still, in the opinion of the Top Player Council, prove to be the deck to beat. It has the ability to go first and second effectively thanks to the Surprise Present package and the inherent qualities of the Mekk-Knight monsters. We're slowly approaching a much more well-defined meta, as it doesn't seem this new injection of cards will disrupt the metagame all too much, but only the future will tell for sure.
Tier 2
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Infernoid could arguably be Tier 1 along with Mekk-Knights, especially in non-Side Deck formats. Resolving Loading... is pretty much a win against any deck except Mekk-Knights. This can also play around Loading... by using Loading... / Loading... + Loading... . In Side Deck format, however, it has more blowouts against cards like Loading...
Salamangreat still holds the Tier 2 status for the time being, however its role in the meta isn't anything more than a niche, and it could be considered as a much weaker choice than its companion Infernoid, meaning that it might be a prime candidate for a demotion. The deck isn't bad by any means, but it's simply too reliant on non-engine cards if it's going second, as there is no way to break a Mekk-Knight or an Infernoid board otherwise. It can still hold his own going first against pretty much anything in the format, however in practice that isn't enough to make the deck shine above alternative options.
Tier 3
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