With Loading... gone thanks to the banlist, two new Trap cards have taken its place as the meta oppressors: Loading... & Loading... . Do you have the tools to out a budget but searchable Loading... with two backrow? Can your deck play through a negate and two Loading... ? Good luck duelists!

Tier 1

TPC Comments

The Loading... + Surprise Present version of Mekk-Knights is doing incredibly well int he format, with its ability to control the field even on Turn 1. With the banlist, there have been fewer Link-based strategies, giving creedence to cards like Loading... which are much better suited against decks like Infernoid and Burning Abyss. Despite the Loading... hit, Mekk-Knights remain a solid Tier 1 for now.

Mekk-Knight stays Tier 1, using Loading... and Surprise Present gives access to a Synchro Tool box while also setting up columns and bricking Burning Abyss Decks. Loading... remains strong as a searchable Loading... in concert with techs like Loading... , Loading... and Loading... , making this deck incredible difficult to deal with.

Tier 2

TPC Comments

Infernoid moves up to Tier 2 as they have proven to hold a solid place in the current metagame. The deck is quite difficult to stop if it goes first with Loading... , giving it access to 2 Loading... , a Negate, and beaters for follow-up on the next turn (achieving this reasonably consistently via Loading... . Combined with the deck's ability to go also second decently well with its ability to easily pop monsters or backrow, it justifies its Tier 2 spot for now.

Infernoid is one of the best investments in the game right now, with a high power-ceiling a solid strategy for such a low price. It has many options, is difficult to deal with, and can use Skills to survive the first few turns and pop off later on. The deck does have consistency struggles especially given that Loading... has been popping back up int he format, so we've decided to keep it at Tier 2 for now.