Tier 1
TPC Comments
Destiny HEROs are probably not the strongest deck in the meta, power-wise. If the opponent can out Loading... the deck can struggle to get back into the game without Loading... follow-up. That being said, its one-card combos and free access to Limit 3's make it a good option this meta.
Tier 2
TPC Comments
It's worth mentioning that one of the better combos being used in Odd-Eyes is reviving Loading... milled from Loading... via Loading... , resulting in a board of Loading... + Loading... + Level 3 Loading... and another Level 4 (which makes Loading... on the opponent's turn after negating one of their Spells). This combo is one of the primary reasons Odd-Eyes maintains its Tier 2 position this week.
Trickstars remain Tier 2, as nothing much has changed with the deck: it's still just as sacky as it has always been. While I expect no changes in deck-building philosophy, techs might slide around depending on the metagame adaptations.
Tier 3
TPC Comments
Infinitrack appreciate the reduced presence of Loading... 's non-targeting removal, ultimately making Loading... 's protection effect much more relevant in today's meta. Loading... 's recent inclusion from the Selection Pack has also made the "EARTH Machine Engine" much more consistent overall. This allows the deck to trigger Loading... 's draw effect reliably, which can pull into techs to survive until a Turn 3 Loading... wipe into a Loading... OTK.