Tier 1

Borrel Link is the only deck right now with a consistent plan going first (3 Monsters + Loading... ) and going second (monster spam with incredible board pressure). In comparison, Star Seraph and Sharks need to draw well for their optimal boards, Sky Striker's turn 1 is relatively weak, and Unchained is kept in check with Loading... .

Tier 2

Sky Striker has finally found its legs, and it's here to stay. Link Darkraze and a second copy of Loading... has solved a lot of issues the deck has had against untargetable/indestructible Decks. A strong Turn 1 Striker hand can feel unsurmountable for some decks to beat and its going-second hands do well against Sharks, Star Seraph, and Borrel Link.

Sky Striker has been seeing a steady rise lately. Its good matchups (Star Seraph and Sharks) outweigh its bad matchups (Unchained and Sacred Beast) in popularity, so the deck has seen an increase in success (which will probably stay if there's no meta changes). Loading... seems to be good enough to stop most OTKs, which forces other decks to enter a grind game (in which Sky Striker Thrives with Loading... and their immunity to backrow). It's also quite insane going second against most boards, aside from Unchained (popping their stuff is beneficial) and Sacred Beast (which make untargetable/indestructible bosses that take a ton of resources to out).

Star Seraph still has the most powerful Skill in the game. However, the other Top Decks in the game just match up so well against Star Seraph that its placement in Tier 2 is a testament to how strong Barian Battlemorph! The Barians' White Shield truly is.

Borrel Link players have found that Loading... and Loading... present nigh-untouchable threats, and teching in Loading... or S/T removal for Loading... almost makes the matchup impossible. Unchained and Shark players continue to tech Loading... for the matchup, which often feels like a 50/50 when they don't draw their techs. Infernoble Knights can set up Loading... to counter the Skill. Even Suship players can set up an OTK Line using Loading... and Loading... . Untargetable boss monsters also present large issues, mainly attributing to Seraph lacking answers in the Extra Deck.

Despite it feeling like every deck is prepared for Star Seraph, there's a chance that Sky Striker's rise could lead to a decrease in Needle Ceiling usage and focus on countering Seraph in general. Whether this will put Seraph back in top remains to be seen, but if nothing else, Star Seraph's consistency, follow-up, and resiliency to interruptions remains unmatched.

Star Seraph has a very high ceiling, the issue is is that it relies a lot on opening Loading... and either Loading... or Loading... . If it doesn't open one of those combos it struggles to create card advantage for itself and relies on its staples to stall out the game (which is easy for other decks to capitalize on). The uptick in some of its bad matchups like Sky Striker also contribute to its minor dropoff from its insanely high initial representation.

Tier 3