Tier 1

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Phantom Knights remain tier 1. What a shocker, I know. Not much is there to say aside from the deck still has a searchable disruption alongside followup and the flexibility in running techs.

Cloaked in shadows and relentless in their objective, Phantom Knights remain as the best deck of the format. The deck saw success with both their standard build or a more backrow-heavy build.

Tier 2

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Gandora drops to Tier 2 after returning to side format. Decks can pack more hate without having to compromise their main deck as opposed to KC Cup Format.

The new hottest (literally, they're fire type, get it…? I’ll stop sorry) deck to come out of the KC Cup is here, and it is Metalfoes! The addition of Loading... really put this deck on the map, enabling 2 disruptions on your opponents’ turn instead of 1 and being less vulnerable to Loading... . This deck took the meta by storm with great consistency in getting to modes of disruptions some decks are not prepared for. Not only that, it has relatively great follow-up, which makes it great for the current meta. The only glaring drawback I would say about this deck is suboptimal hands going second and the less freedom of running techs.

Soon to be known as the best deck, Metalfoes is the first Pendulum deck with actual combo capability. The deck can easily OTK through Loading... and Loading... going second and consistently sets up 2 interruptions going First. The biggest threats to the deck are going first into Loading... / Loading... + Loading... or going second against multiple pieces of backrow hate.