
The Top Player Council is here to take a look at the newly supported decks from Phoenix Blaze, the latest BOX!

Announcement from , TPC Manager

Hi all, first just want to clear up as to why there was no Tier List update on December 25th. As some may have surmised I decided not to call for a Tier List vote over the holiday weekend, and that's a decision I would continue to stand by, similar to how I've stayed from post KC Cup weekend Tier Lists.

That being said, in lieu of rushing a Tier List to attempt a guess at the post-BOX meta, we are instead enlisting TPC to do their best assessment of the recently-supported decktypes, and leave the next Tier List update for next season's Top Player Council, which will be on January 8th, 2024.

Speaking of next season, I have one final announcement to make regarding the Top Player Council Ladder in 2024. To add diversity in ladder point acquisition, we are adding

's Duel Links Grand Prix Tournament as an officially-supported tournament. Grand has been a long-time moderator for DLM's tournaments so we're more than confident in his ability to maintain a competitive environment. The Grand Prix Swiss tournaments will be contributing half the points of a Meta Weekly, similar to how the Meta Freeklies have worked in days of old. There will be some stipulations in place to avoid gaining TPC from solely one source, but I wish all of you luck in future TPC pursuits. Thank you all for your time, and I hope we can look forward to a fresh 2024 TPC together!

~ Jade

Newly Supported Decks

TPC Comments

Starry Knight has already started seeing some success after the release of Loading... , garnering more adoption of the deck. Starry Knight has received a potential upgrade from the new BOX in Loading... , which is able to search Loading... or Loading... and tag out into Loading... to summon Loading... for another interruption. I am sure players will be testing to see if this is a worthwhile Normal Summon over the archetypal ones.

TPC Comments

Loading... is inherently good, as a Link-1 monster. It adds card advantage to a deck that struggled to get off the ground. However, it doesn't fix the deck's larger weakness: vulnerability to interruptions like Loading... .