A new Gift Campaign is upon us, with exclusive cards Loading... , Loading... , Loading... and Loading... !

Pick 1 Pick 2 Pick 3
10,000 Gold 3 Skill Chips 2,000 Gate Keys
200 R Jewels Loading... 1 R Ticket
50 Gems 10,000 Gold 1 EXP Booster
20 Gems Loading... 1 Extra Life
300 Stones of Light 300 Stones of Darkness 300 Stones of Water
2 SR Jewels Loading... 1 Results Booster
300 Stones of Flame 300 Stones of Earth 300 Stones of Wind
30 Gems Loading... 2,000 Gate Keys
50 Gems 3 Skill Chips 1 Extra Card
1 SR Ticket 1 SR Ticket 1 SR Ticket

Tell us your thoughts in the comments below!