These are the top 16 players from the "Meta Ladder" of season 3, join us in welcoming them! Their thoughts on the recent 5D's update are below.
1st: tomvdelzen | 2nd: Kcful | 3rd: wayne kenoff | 4th: ShinySopheon |
5th: Eugen Heidt | 6th: Jason | 7th: Mistilteinn | 8th: Flips |
9th: Luke Tyler | 10th: Sasuke | 11th: SocalsFinest | 12th: BlackJesus |
13th: Rafa | 14th: zaidking | 15th: monkeyboy44 | 16th: SDotAkuma |
Manager: superforms |
Thoughts on the 5D's expansion
"What are your thoughts on the new 5D's characters + cards?"
ShinySopheon: They all suck right now. Once we get better generic Synchros they will be better. For example, the Sylvan Synchro engine is pretty strong but with nothing worth summoning it just falls flat.
Jason: Underwhelming, without decent generic Synchros, none of the good decks will use them. Neither have they created new archetypes that are heavily Synchro-centric.
Flips: Characters are cool. Synchros are doo doo right now without the support they need.
Kcful: They are underwhelming, as the mast majority already knows. I have hope in the next minibox but the current card/skill pool has nothing tier-worthy to offer, and even disappoints many non-meta players.
Sasuke: So far 5D's seems to be a bit of a let down as far as the competitive aspect of the game goes. Rumors that Blackwings could be a thing with the first we are getting within the next month, but for now nothing too impressive. Loading... is really cool and strong but not enough to be meta changing. Coolest part of 5D's for me are the playmats, to be completely honest.
SocalsFinest: They always introduce things slow. So as of now, they aren't very relevant in competitive play.
Mistilteinn: I don't think I need to say this as everybody knows, but all of the character cards are really bad. But I don't think we should have expected them to be good since Konami usually does not make F2P cards competitively viable. In terms of the characters chosen I'm happy with the starting line-up. Obviously just misses Jack Atlas since he's the Kaiba of 5D's.
Rafa: I think the large player base expected some Synchro to be minimally relevant at the start of 5D's which did not happen. Most drop and level up cards are shameful, and lv30 characters are acceptable but they need to have their levels expanded quickly.
Luke Tyler: Cards like Loading... and Loading... are Tuner monsters with great potential. Most of the other 5D's support, however, demands additional synergistic cards to make them relevant (the Gemini stuff is cool though). The skill of Akiza's -- What Grows in the Graveyard -- stands out to me because as the card pool expands with more Plant-type Tuners and Level 4/5/6 Synchro monsters, this opens the gateway to an abusable 1-card Synchro toolbox deck.