November 11h Update
Rarity Change
- Loading... From SR to UR
- Loading... From R to UR
- Loading... From R to SR
- Loading... From R to SR
- Loading... From UR to SR
- Loading... From UR to SR
- Loading... From R to SR
- Loading... From UR to N
- Loading... From UR to N
New Duel Room Feature
An ID was found for Duel Rooms, an "everything goes category without banlist". Can only be used in Duel Rooms with Certain Rules.
New Mat/Sleeves IDs
- Mission Circuit (Aki)
- Fortune Cup Chapter (5D's Chronicles Event)
Keep in mind that the datamined information is speculation, and remains unconfirmed until officially announced by Konami
Tell us your thoughts on the new cards in the comments below!