May 24th Update

Rarity Changes

Thanks to

Destiny HERO - Dunker
Allure of Darkness
Preparation of Rites
Crystal Girl
Cyberse Gadget
Yoko-Zuna Sumo Spirit
Kuro-Obi Karate Spirit
Kai-Den Kendo Spirit
Crusadia Regulex
Talkback Lancer
Guardragon Shield
Guardragon Corewakening
Guardragon Reincarnation
Rilliona, the Wondrous Magistus Witch Wardrobe

New Mini Box: Wings of Clearness

Credits to

for the Full Card Rarities!

Clear Wing Synchro Dragon
Wynn the Wind Channeler
Wisdom-Eye Magician
Speedroid Taketomborg
Hi-Speedroid Chanbara
Void Ogre Dragon
Abyss Actor - Extras
Abyss Actor - Curtain Raiser
Raidraptor - Strangle Lanius
Raidraptor - Satellite Cannon Falcon
Nirvana High Paladin
Performapal Seal Eel
Bahalutiya, the Grand Radiance
Abyss Actor - Trendy Understudy
Abyss Actors Back Stage
Speedroid Gum Prize
Speedroid Block-n-Roll
Synchro Cracker
Performapal Rain Goat
Pendulum Storm
Rank-Up-Magic Skip Force
Performapal Inflater Tapir
Speedroid Passinglider
Speedroid Skull Marbles
Speedroid Maliciousmagnet
Starry Knight Orbitael
X-Saber Palomuro
Apprentice Piper
Defender of the Ice Barrier
Performapal Pinch Helper
Aquarium Stage
Aqua Story - Urashima
Performapal Gumgumouton
Dragoncaller Magician
Speedroid Hexasaucer
Pendulum Transfer
Starry Knight Ciel

Note: Loading... and Loading... will be Limited 3 upon release.

Loading... Bundle

Note: Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon will be Limited 1 upon release.