August 28th Update


The New Mini BOX Arena of Sanctuary has been leaked!

[box](Karakuri Bonze mdl 9763 "Kunamzan"; Valkyrie Brunhilde; Trishula, the Dragon of Icy Imprisonment)

[box](Arcana Force EX - The Dark Ruler; Nova Summoner; Triamid Sphinx; Valkyrie Sigrun; Valkyrie Sechste; Exploder Dragonwing; Combination Attack; Scrapyard; Karakuri Cash Inn; Karma Cut)

[box](Wattpheasant; Wattcobra; Trickstar Lilybell; Valkyrie Erda; Valkyrie Zweite; Valkyrie Dritte; Valkyrie Vierte; Genex Ally Triforce; Karakuri Gama Oil; Final Light; Valkyrie's Embrace; Apple of Enlightenment; Loge's Flame)

[box](Wattgiraffe; Spirit of the Pot of Greed; Avatar of The Pot; Trickstar Narkissus; Fortune Chariot; Valkyrie Chariot; Valkyrie Funfte; Beaked Snake; Great Bill; The All-Seeing White Tiger; Job-Change Mirror; Neck Hunter; Pegasus Wing; Trickstar Bouquet; Trickstar Magical Laurel)

Leaked Cards

Evilswarm Coppelia
Indiora Doom Volt the Cubic Emperor
Cubic Karma
Blade Garoodia the Cubic Beast
Geira Guile the Cubic King
Battle Teleportation
Senet Switch

Leaked Alt Card

NPC Cards

Vulcan Dragni the Cubic King
Dimension Guardian
Final Geas

September Ranked Rewards

The Ranked Rewards for the September Season has been leaked! Here are the cards:

New Cards to be Added

Battle Teleportation
Senet Switch

Old Cards to be Added

Rewards from previous events to been added to Ranked Duels Ticket Rewards!

Statue of Anguish Pattern
Comrade Swordsman of Landstar
Mad Sword Beast
Steel Ogre Grotto #2