
  • Welcome to the DLM Meme Review, where we showcase the funniest post from the Duel Links community and give them the spotlight they deserve.
  • If you want your memes to reign supreme, head on over to the Duel Links Reddit and show off your comedy chops! If you get enough upvotes, you too can become King of Memes!

This Week's Memes

average r/duellinks post (skill edition) mkklord inspired btw. by DekuSenpai-WL8


Original Post

Konami, pls don't forget the Christmas Level Cap Increase by AgostoAzul


Original Post

I'm happy for the Speed Duel Players and am not jealous at all by KENyakky


Original Post

Not as bad a grind thanks to the daily PVE duelist rank ups by IllusiveManJr
