Let's Build a Monarchs Deck! 2023 Version

Long time no see! We finally got new and actually solid Monarch support in the Zillion Thunder Main Box and so it was time to update the guide. A lot changes for the deck with the new support but still takes different inputs from its previous forms.

The archetype is quite large and in Duel Links it consists of 32 cards, divided in 14 Monarchs, 8 Vassals and Squires, 10 Spells and Traps. For this reasons only the playable ones will be discussed, consider every other card extremely situational or just obsolete. Also the deck struggles to tech in the main deck meta dependent cards so we will focus on Monarchs and possible engines that facilitate playing the deck.


The only real skill we should consider now is the recent addition

Pantheist Revelation :

At the beginning of the Duel, add 3 Loading... to your Deck. The following effect can be used once per Duel on turn 4 and onward. Return 1 monster with 800 ATK/1000 DEF and 1 "Monarch" Spell/Trap Card from your hand to your Deck, and then add 1 random monster with 2400 or more ATK and 1000 DEF from your Deck to your hand. This Skill can only be used/applied if you begin the Duel with a Deck (excluding Extra Deck) that contains 6 or more monsters with 2400 or more ATK and 1000 DEF, and 6 or more "Monarch" Spell/Trap Cards.

Having access to 3 Loading... is insane! It does everything for the deck and if not for this skill the deck would probably be unplayable. The second effect probably won't matter most of the duels but it is a nice extra that lets us switch 2 cards for a random Tribute monster. The skill requirements are not heavy at all since we would run more than 6 Monarchs monsters and 6 Spells and Traps anyway.


Ehther the Heavenly Monarch
Erebus the Underworld Monarch
Kuraz the Light Monarch

Loading... is our main form of disruption and we should run 2-3 copies of her, mostly depending on deck size. Her main target is Loading... which is nice at 2, but you might consider upping him to 3 copies if you find yourself not having him in the deck enough for Ehther to summon him. Loading... stands on top as the strongest removal in Yu-Gi-Oh with a powerful non targeting non destruction spin that also lets us recycle other Monarchs from the graveyeard. Like Ehther, 2-3 copies depending on deck size.


Edea the Heavenly Squire
Eidos the Underworld Squire
Mithra the Thunder Vassal
Landrobe the Rock Vassal

Loading... is the bread and butter of the deck and you want to maximize your chances of seeing her your first turn, providing a powerful Tour Guide effect, special summoning an Loading... directly from the deck. Always play 3 Edea and 2-3 Eidos. Loading... and Loading... are not needed but provide both powerful effects that could be nice options for the deck. 0-1x.