
By superforms

Alright, here it is. My original build from 10 days ago was the same thing but with a third Loading... and third Loading... over the last two tech slots. I ultimately went with Loading... there because you lose to spells more than you lose to anything else, and it's a great disruption card against Koa'ki and certain cards in the mirror (which were by far the two most common match-ups I saw). Vampires and Buster were free with Loading... , Spellbooks were very difficult, and Heroes were easy if you didn't lose turn 2. Obviously some semblance of technical play comes up in the mirror, but overall it seems to be decided at the deck-building screen. I also found myself getting a lot more value out of Loading... the more I played, searching it off Loading... occasionally (like in this replay, where I was using Loading... ) to set up a stronger board.

Breaker is a great card in this deck and I think it's incorrect to play without it. Loading... and Loading... are both bad, as is Loading... outside the mirror. Middle Age Mechs also feels like the correct skill; having access to normal summoning Loading... is very strong and I missed it when I was testing Sealed Tombs (which is the only other skill I would consider).

King of Games Decklist

20 cards
Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon
Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon
Ancient Gear Reactor Dragon
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Breaker the Magical Warrior
Ancient Gear Wyvern
Ancient Gear Wyvern
Ancient Gear Wyvern
Enemy Controller
Enemy Controller
Ancient Gear Fortress
Ancient Gear Fortress
Magic Drain
Magic Drain
Unending Nightmare
Unending Nightmare
Unending Nightmare

General Deck Tips

By JoshKotor

  • Chaining Loading... or another backrow destruction card to Loading... s activation, or to an opponent's Loading... , causes Geartown to miss timing.

  • Activating two Loading... es is not a bad idea as they protect you for a turn against targeting and destruction after you pop one.

  • Unending Nightmare is the best choice for popping your Ancient Gear spells because you get multiple uses and it isn't reliant on your opponent playing backrow like Double Cyclone.


By JoshKotor

Koa'ki Meiru

Decent match up. With 3 Loading... and 3 Loading... to search it Loading... is protected against Loading... ' effect. However I see Loading... going up in usage as they can potentially pop Fortress with Maximus then pop Reactor with ice. However to do this cannot they cannot summon Loading... on the same turn to negate any backrow you may have e.g. Canadia. The Ties that Bind will also become more popular as they allow Maximus to beat over Reactors in Balance builds, but struggle when playing against the Loading... versions.

Buster Blader

Good matchup. Unending pops Loading... disrupting Buster Bladers fusion combo but they can always go into Loading... and Ancient Gears have no inherent way to get over it it's higher attack without use of Beatdown .


Strong matchup. With no inherent way to beat over Reactors 3000 defense and attack Karakuri must rely on drawing into Loading... or Loading... , but we can consistently disrupt their drawing with Loading... using Unending Nightmare making this a strong opponent for Karakuri.


Unfortunately I didn't face a single Vampire player. Loading... will be an issue but Unending Nightmare can pop the field spell and Domain so I see it being a decent matchup.

Masked Heroes

Potentially a strong matchup. Reactor Dragon disregards backrow and Loading... cannot beat over Reactor Dragon without the use of Beatdown .


Potentially a very strong matchup. Not enough testing yet.


Poor matchup. Spellbooks have an inherent out to Ancient Gears with Loading... banishing Loading... and Loading... before they can be destroyed. We also have very few monsters and cannot always swarm the board to overpower Spellbook of Fate's once per turn limitation. However Spellbook have fallen in popularity (although they may return during the KC cup) and are not worth building your Ancient Gear deck to counter.

Dkayed's Video

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