Farm Decks

Level: Ra Farm Farm - credit: Jadehex

20 cards
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Golden Ladybug
Golden Ladybug
Golden Ladybug
Creature Seizure
Anti-Magic Arrows
Double Summon
Worm Bait
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Floodgate Trap Hole
Defense Draw
Defense Draw
Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
Wall of Disruption
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin Housekeeping
Good Goblin Housekeeping


  • Check out this video for a full successful farm with the deck
  • Stall until you are ready for the final combo, you can also clog his field by using Loading... and Loading... on his Synchro Monsters and non-Tuners.
  • Dont clog your backrow with Loading... /Loading... /Loading... always leave a space.
  • Keep activating your Loading... to be sure you are above 10000 LP.

Last Turn


Lvl 40 Solemn Wishes farm - credit: シドゾーマバギー海賊団


Last turn


Lvl 40 Ra-Barrier farm - credit: Jadehex

20 cards
The Winged Dragon of Ra
A Cat of Ill Omen
A Cat of Ill Omen
Crystal Seer
Crystal Seer
Crystal Seer
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
White Magician Pikeru
White Magician Pikeru
Anti-Magic Arrows
Magic Planter
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier
Astral Barrier
Astral Barrier
Astral Barrier


  • Get both Loading... and Loading... on the field as soon as possible.
  • Summon Loading... and Loading... to gain life points.
  • You need at least 2 monsters on the field along with your barriers in order to be safe from Yusei's Loading...
  • Dodge attacks with your "Barrier" combo.

Make sure you have three Monsters on the field before the last turn.

Last Turn

  1. Tribute summon Loading... using your three monsters.
  2. Activate Ra's effect when prompted to pay your life points to increase its attack and to obtain the "LP on Brink" bonus.
  3. Enter Battle Phase, activate Loading... and attack the attack postion monster with the lowest ATK!


Lvl 40: Fairy's Smile Cloudian Farm - credit: Jadehex

20 cards
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Acid Cloud
Cloudian - Altus
Cloudian - Altus
Cloudian - Altus
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Cloudian - Cirrostratus
Anti-Magic Arrows
The Sanctuary in the Sky
The Sanctuary in the Sky
The Sanctuary in the Sky
Pot of Benevolence
Spirit Barrier
Spirit Barrier


  • Summon AT LEAST TWO Cloudian Monsters with either Loading... or Loading... to be safe from Yusei (You are most vulnerable the turn you summon your first Cloudian, since if Yusei can make Loading... on his first turn he will either Kill you or put enough Damage on you so that you won't hit 10k Damage)
  • Using Fairy's Smile you keep gaining 1000 LP each time you Draw a Fairy during your Draw Phase.
  • Use Loading... to counteract Yuseis Draw by returning ideally non-synchron monsters to his Deck without actually drawing cards (you will need a lot of LP gain which means you want to naturally draw through your entire Deck).
  • Keep summoning Cloudians to eventually have 3 tributes for Loading...

Last Turn

  • Tribute three Cloudians to Normal Summon Loading... and use its Effect to convert your Life Points into its Attack Points
  • Enter Battle Phase, activate Loading...
  • Attack Yusei's weakest Attack Position monster with Ra


Yusei Fudo Lvl 40 Decklist

Junk Synchron
Junk Synchron
Junk Synchron
Quillbolt Hedgehog
Quillbolt Hedgehog
Quillbolt Hedgehog
Feedback Warrior
Feedback Warrior
Jet Synchron
Jet Synchron
Junk Blader
Junk Blader
Junk Forward
Junk Forward
Quickdraw Synchron
Quickdraw Synchron
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow
Junk Berserker
Junk Warrior
Junk Archer
Stardust Charge Warrior
Stardust Dragon

Yusei Fudo Lvl 30 Decklist

Max Warrior
Max Warrior
Max Warrior
Rockstone Warrior
Rockstone Warrior
Level Warrior
Level Warrior
Speed Warrior
Speed Warrior
Quillbolt Hedgehog
Quillbolt Hedgehog
Junk Synchron
Junk Synchron
Junk Synchron
Junk Barrage
Defense Draw
Miracle's Wake
Scrap-Iron Statue
Skill Successor
Wild Tornado
Junk Warrior
Stardust Charge Warrior
Stardust Dragon

Yusei Fudo Lvl 20 Decklist

Salvage Warrior
Boost Warrior
Boost Warrior
Boost Warrior
Dash Warrior
Dash Warrior
Dash Warrior
Junk Servant
Junk Servant
Junk Servant
Speed Warrior
Speed Warrior
Sonic Chick
Sonic Chick
Changer Synchron
Changer Synchron
Fighting Spirit
Release Restraint Wave
Stardust Dragon

Yusei Fudo Lvl 10 Decklist

Sonic Chick
Sonic Chick
Sonic Chick
Sonic Warrior
Sonic Warrior
Sonic Warrior
Mighty Guard
Mighty Guard
Mighty Guard
Mountain Warrior
Mountain Warrior
Mountain Warrior
Water Spirit
Backup Soldier
Backup Soldier
Stardust Dragon