Farming Decks

Paradox Lvl 40: Yubel

20 cards
Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare
Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare
Yubel - Terror Incarnate
Montage Dragon
Witch of the Black Forest
Witch of the Black Forest
Witch of the Black Forest
Vortex Trooper
Vortex Trooper
Vortex Trooper
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Planet Pathfinder
Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Shien's Spy


  • Use Loading... or Loading... to destroy Loading... and summon Loading...
  • Use My Name is Yubel , Loading... and / or Loading... to search the missing pieces of your combo.
  • Cycle through your Deck as quickly as possible with your Witch, Loading... and Island effects. (Tip: You can use Vortex Trooper's Normal Summon effect to send back Yaksha, then immediately pop it to search Yaksha and then Draw)
  • Save three high-level monsters and a Fire King Island in your hand for Last Turn

Last Turn

  • Discard three High-Level monsters to Summon Loading...
  • Use Loading... , giving control of Montage Dragon to the opponent.
  • Use a second copy of Loading... destroying your Loading... to summon Loading... from your Graveyard
  • Enter Battle Phase, Attack Montage Dragon with Ultimate Nightmare, and seize Victory!


Paradox Lvl 40 Decklist

Stardust Dragon
Malefic Paradox Dragon

Paradox Lvl 30 Decklist

Stardust Dragon

If you have a unique farm deck, spot a mistake or just want to say something post it in the comments below!