Farm Decks
Level 40: Fur Hire Farm- credit: Jadehex
- Can be run Skill-less, but Restart , Draw Sense: WATER , Draw Sense: EARTH , or Reinforcements can help boost consistency
- Get Loading... out ASAP (Use any of the aformentioned Skills to help with that)
- Loading...
- Draw (Loading... , Loading... ) - Depending on Deck state - He can deckout before you can set up if too many of these go through
- Loading... - Depending on Board state, you can let Loading... go through if its bouncing a monster you can just resummon that turn.
- Loading... - Only if he can get over Loading... with it (i.e. only negate the second one)
- Loading... - You need to negate this on the last turn when you attack with Loading...
Before Last Turn
- Have 2 Loading... on the field with 1 Monster Zone open for Loading...
Last Turn
- Activate Loading... change both Loading... to Attack Position
- Summon Loading... and Equip with Loading...
- Attack Directly with Loading... , Negate Loading... or Loading... with Loading... if necessary.
Level 30: Labyrinth Builder Farm - credit: Jadehex
- Jesse L30's only threat is eventually dying to Loading... , Loading... stops that.
- Use ANY draw cards you want, kuriboh engine is one of the best.
Last Turn
- Last turn pop Loading... , then Summon Loading... , then change Loading... to Atk, then Summon Loading... , activate 2 Loading... and Loading... on him and swing directly for game.
- Any cards used to draw (filter for drawing in deck builder) and Loading... for Loading... .
Jesse Anderson Lvl 40 Decklist
Jesse Anderson Lvl 30 Decklist
Jesse Anderson Lvl 20 Decklist
Jesse Anderson Lvl 10 Decklist
If you have a new farm deck or spot a mistake, tell us in the comments below!