Farm Decks

Lvl 40: Red-Eyes Farm - Jadehex

The Winged Dragon of Ra
Red-Eyes Wyvern
Red-Eyes Wyvern
A/D Changer
A/D Changer
A/D Changer
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Red-Eyes Black Dragon
Red-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes Fusion
Red-Eyes Insight
Red-Eyes Insight
Red-Eyes Insight
Power of the Guardians
Power of the Guardians
Power of the Guardians
Return of the Red-Eyes
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon
Red-Eyes Slash Dragon


Last Turn

  1. Use Loading... to change one of Kaiba's Monsters into ATK Position (If Necessary)
  2. Tribute Summon Loading... and use it's effect to gain ATK.
  3. Use Loading... to sap the ATK Position monster and guarantee your 10k Damage (If Possible), You can also equip any additional Loading...
  4. Enter the Battle Phase, and attack the ATK Position monster for victory!

Lvl 40: Six Samurai

20 cards
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Gravekeeper's Vassal
Secret Six Samurai - Fuma
Secret Six Samurai - Fuma
Secret Six Samurai - Fuma
Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai
Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai
Legendary Secret of the Six Samurai
Six Samurai United
Six Samurai United
Six Samurai United
Union Attack
Union Attack
Power of the Guardians
Power of the Guardians
Power of the Guardians
Shien's Dojo
Secret Pass to the Treasures
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En


  • Can be done Skill-less if desired.
  • Summon Loading... and try to equip with Loading... ASAP, (DS: Wind Helps you find Fuma if you brick)
  • Attack DEF monsters when possible to build counters on POTG
  • Negate Polymerization (and other Spells depending on their hand) with Shi En, use Loading... to thin deck when possible.
  • If Kaiba manages to summon Loading... , protect Shi En with Fuma and kill it next turn
  • Build up a second Shi En with POTG whenever you have the chance before last turn.

Last Turn

  1. Normal Summon Loading... and activate 2 Loading...
  2. Activate Loading... on Vassal
  3. Attack Directly with Vassal

Seto Kaiba (DSOD) Level 40 Deck

Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
Neo Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon

Seto Kaiba (DSOD) Level 30 Deck

Rabid Horseman
Rabid Horseman

Seto Kaiba (DSOD) Lvl 20 Decklist

Seto Kaiba (DSOD) Lvl 10 Decklist

Steel Ogre Grotto #2
Hitotsu-Me Giant
Hitotsu-Me Giant
Hitotsu-Me Giant
One-Eyed Shield Dragon
One-Eyed Shield Dragon
Saggi the Dark Clown
Saggi the Dark Clown
Saggi the Dark Clown
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head
Wicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head
Block Attack
Stop Defense
Dark Sacrifice
Krystal Avatar
Induced Explosion

If you have a new farm deck or spot a mistake, tell us in the comments below!