
Event Information

  • Mission Research is here, complete Research Missions to unlock rewards like Loading... !
  • This event takes place from June 21st to July 1st.
  • Obtain Research Missions by Dueling in Duel World or Ranked Duels
  • Complete Research Missions to obtain rewards and Event Points
  • Special Research Missions will appear three times a day starting from June 27th
  • You can hold a Maximum of 10 Research Missions

Notable Rewards

Points Reward
1500 5 Gems
4000 5 Gems
10000 Loading...
14000 5 Gems
20000 Loading...
23000 5 Gems
29000 Loading...
34000 10 Gems
43000 Loading...
52000 10 Gems
63000 Loading...
75000 10 Gems
90000 Loading...
105000 10 Gems
120000 Loading...
142000 10 Gems
160000 20 Gems

Previous Mission Research Event:

If you have a unique farm deck, spot a mistake or just want to say something post it in the comments below!