The Shadow Memories: Bakura
Published on July 15th, 2022
Updated on July 17th, 2022
July 17th Update
- Bakura (DSOD) is now unlockable!
- Complete Episode #4 [Defeat Yami Bakura in Duel World (DSOD)]
Event Information
- Bakura is here, unlock him to gain access to his occult deck!
- This event takes place from July 15th to July 21st.
- Duel against Legendary/Standard Duelists and in Ranked Duels to collect "Cream Puffs" which you use to duel Bakura (DSOD) at the gate.
- Unlock Bakura (DSOD) after July 16th by completing the unlock requirements!
- Complete the Destiny Board in order to receive bonus Gems and Collectibles!
- You can get 120 Cream Puffs from playing 3 Ranked Duels every day.
Bakura (DSOD) Drop Rewards
Farming Decks
Bakura (DSOD) Level 40 Farm: Labyrinth Builder Farm
- Use Labyrinth Builder to Summon Loading... in Defense Position. Bakura generally cannot get over this with his entire deck, and the only situation he can remove it involves almost impossible scenarios.
- Protect your Combo Pieces from Loading... 's Flip Effect and Loading... 's Banish effect by using Counter Traps (Note: If there is something better to negate both of these cards let me know ASAP)
- Thin your Deck as quickly as possible.
- You might need to use an Effect Negation to negate Loading... 's Effect Damage, but it usually takes too long to do anything meaningful.
Last Turn
- Use Loading... , Swapping Loading... 's DEF with its ATK, change Labyrinth Wall to Attack Position
- Special Summon Loading... in Attack Position, banishing a Loading... from your Graveyard
- Normal Summon Loading... and use both Loading... and Loading... on it.
- Enter Battle Phase, Activate Loading... and attack Bakura directly with Vassal!
Bakura (DSOD) Level 40 Farm: Cloudian Farm
- Skill can be Life Charge , Fairy's Smile or Dino DNA!
- Summon a Cloudian Monster with Loading... , then try to establish a Counter Trap ASAP
- Cards you are looking to negate are Loading... , Loading... 's Banish effect, Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... (Only negate the latter two if it will result in Bakura decking out first}.
- Thin your Deck with Loading... whenever possible.
- Before Last turn, make sure you have three Cloudian monsters on field, and maximize the amount of Loading... s with 2 Fog Counters (You can destroy your own Cloudians by switching them to Defense Position). Also try to have a Loading... set and at least one open Spell / Trap Slot).
Last Turn
- Use as many Loading... effects to pop Bakura's backrow.
- If you are using Life Charge , activate it to restore Life Points.
- Tribute Summon Loading... and use its effect to gain ATK.
- Enter Battle Phase and attack one of Bakura's Attack Position monsters. If Bakura uses Loading... , negate with Loading... (using Loading... if necessary.)
Last Turn
- If you're worried about mill you can either swap out one Counter Trap for Loading... , it can either shuffle back your own discarded combo pieces or shuffle back Bakura's cards.
If you have a unique farm deck, spot a mistake or just want to say something post it in the comments below!