Roll the Dice - Duke Event
Published on July 19th, 2021
Updated on July 21st, 2021
July 21st Update
- You can now unlock Duke Devlin, do so by completing Episode #2
- Dice Challenges Unocked! Acquire the new Skill Summoning Crest by completing them!
Event Information
- Duke Devlin is here, unlock him to gain access to Loading... !
- This event takes place from July 19th to July 29th.
- Duel against Legendary/Standard Duelists and in Ranked Duels to collect "Dice" which you use to duel Duke at the gate.
- Unlock Duke Devlin on July 21st by completing Challenge #3
- You can get 60 Dice from playing 3 Ranked Duels every day.
Duke Devlin Drop Rewards
Farming Decks
we're currently looking for more lists so stay tuned!
Duke Devlin Lvl 40: Magician Girl Turbo
- Can be run Skill-less. Skills that can be run include LP Boost Alpha (to avoid Loading... OTKs) and Spell Counter Boost
- Your ideal opening is to either summon Loading... (searching Chocolate) or Loading... (Discarding Berry to Draw a card), otherwise you want to attempt to stall with either Loading... or Loading...
- Your Goal is to get 2 Loading... on the field (by using the effects of Berry, Chocolate, and/or Apple) in order to draw through your deck with their effects.
- When applicable, use the redirection effects of your Magician Girls to protect the Chocolate Magician Girls, otherwise draw through your Deck as much as possible with Loading... and Loading... (Make sure you pass each turn with either 2 Chocolate Magician Girl or 1 Chocolate with a Berry in Graveyard and another Chocolate in Deck if possible)
Last Turn
- Note that the final Turn doesn't necessarily need to occur when you're out of cards, if you have the means to Xyz Summon a Rank 4 and Loading... with over 10k ATK, that can make up for any Duel Assesment you would be missing (your mileage may vary, of course).
- If necessary, Xyz Summon Loading... to banish Loading... (If it can't be destroyed by card effects this turn), otherwise summon Loading... (As it's a guaranteed Prismatic, netting you bonus Duel Assessment)
- Activate Loading... to Fusion Summon Loading... with 5 differently-named Spellcasters and use its effect to wipe the Field.
- Activate both Loading... on Quintet
- Enter Battle Phase and Attack Directly for Victory
Duke Devlin Lvl 40: Red Nova Farm
- Use Demon's Resonance to search out your Loading... + Loading... + Tuner combination.
- Synchro Summon Loading... ASAP, by going into Loading... , reviving Loading... which in turn summons Loading... , Synchro Summoning into Loading... , and then Normal Summoning another Tuner.
- Duke cannot destroy Red Nova Dragon with Loading... , and is generally going to set all of his monsters with it on the field.
- Attack any DEF position cards just to avoid Loading... cheese scenarios as much as possible.
- Thin your deck with Loading... , Loading... and your draw cards
Last Turn
- Normal Summon Loading... and use Loading... and Loading... on it.
- Enter Battle Phase, Attack Duke Directly for Victory!
- You can replace any number of Draw Traps with Loading... (or any Normal Summonable Level 2 Tuner like Loading... ) to trade speed for more reliable Loading... Summons
Duke Devlin Lvl 40: Samurai Destroyer
- Activate Labyrinth Builder to Summon Labyrinth Wall, then immediately summon a Level 2 Tuner to go into Loading...
- Duke will not attack Samurai Destroyer, so Turbo Through your Deck with your draw cards
- Attack any set cards with Samurai Destroyer just to avoid Orgoth cheese scenarios as much as possible.
- If he destroys Samurai Destroyer with Loading... simply resummon it in ATK Mode.
- Make sure you have a set Loading... or Loading... , a Loading... , and some other Tuner in your GY before Last Turn.
Last Turn
- Use Plaguespreader Zombie's GY effect, placing a card on Top of your Deck to Special Summon it.
- Summon Loading... by Banishing an extra Tuner from your GY
- Xyz Summon Loading... in ATK Position with Plaguespreader and Weeping Idol
- Use your set Loading... or Loading... to draw the card placed on top with Plaguespreader (This isn't entirely necessary, just dependent on your Duel Assessment)
- Normal Summon Loading... and use Loading... and Loading... on it.
- Enter Battle Phase, Attack Duke Directly for Victory!
- While you need at least 1 Loading... , you can replace any of the other Level 2 Tuners in the Deck with any other Level 2 Tuner. Some Free-to-Play examples include Loading... , Loading... , and Loading... .
Duke Devlin Lvl 40: Lunalight Farm
- Summon Loading... as quickly as possible, use your Lunalight effects in order to get enough Monsters to be able to summon Sabre Dancer.
- Get as many Lunalights into the Graveyard as possible, you want Sabre Dancer to be above 4300 ATK (This is the strongest Loading... can get with its own effect)
- If Loading... or Loading... is in DEF Mode, Destroy it ASAP
- Cycle through your deck with your Lunalight cards as quickly as possible
- Set Loading... and Loading... to avoid random sniping from Loading...
- Summon a second Sabre Dancer before your Last Turn (You can also Summon a third by using one of your first two as material, letting you use Sabre Dancer's effect in GY)
Last Turn
- Use your Loading... and Loading... effects to boost your Lunalight's ATK.
- Normal Summon Loading... and use Loading... and Loading... on it.
- Enter Battle Phase, Attack Duke Directly for Victory!