
Event Information

  • Kite Tenjo has arrived in Duel World (ZEXAL), defeat him to obtain Loading... and Loading... !
  • This event takes place from December 17th to December 27th.
  • Dueling in Ranked Duels and against Legendary/Standard Duelists or the Vagabond in any Duel World will increase the chance of him appearing.
  • Kite Tenjo will not appear at the gate and will only appear in Duel World (ZEXAL) - not in DM/DSOD/GX/5Ds !

Drop Rewards

Number 10: Illumiknight
Ghost Ship
Photon Crusher
Golden Dragon Summoner
Guardian of Order
Photon Booster
Goddess with the Third Eye
Dark-Piercing Light
Divine Dragon Ragnarok
Moon Envoy

Event Missions

Complete these missions to get guaranteed rewards!

Mission Reward
Win 1 Duel against Kite Tenjo Loading...
Win 3 Duels against Kite Tenjo Loading...
Win 7 Duels against Kite Tenjo Loading...
Play 15 Duels against Kite Tenjo Loading...

Farming Decks

we're currently looking for more lists so stay tuned!

Kite Tenjo Lvl 40: Yubel Farm

20 cards
Yubel - The Ultimate Nightmare
Yubel - Terror Incarnate
Montage Dragon
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Fire King Avatar Yaksha
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Planet Pathfinder
Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Fire King Island
Shien's Spy


  • Use Loading... or Loading... to destroy Loading... and summon Loading... (In DEF Position)
  • Use Loading... and/or Loading... to search the missing pieces of your combo.
  • Cycle through your Deck as quickly as possible with your Sangans and Island effects.
  • If he manages to summon Loading... and he destroys your Terror. Summon Loading... and attempt to re-establish Terror Incarnate
  • You should be able to set combo pieces like Loading... and Loading... if your hand fills up
  • Save three high-level monsters and a Fire King Island in your hand for Last Turn

Last Turn

  • Discard three High-Level monsters to Summon Loading...
  • Activate Attack Charge on Montage Dragon, giving it over 10,000 Attack.
  • Use Loading... giving control of Montage Dragon to Kite.
  • Use a second copy of Loading... destroying your Loading... to summon Loading...
  • Activate Loading... , remove Loading... from Kite's hand (if there)
  • Enter Battle Phase, Attack Montage Dragon with Ultimate Nightmare, and seize Victory!


Lvl 40: Magician Girl Turbo

Chocolate Magician Girl
Chocolate Magician Girl
Fortune Fairy Hikari
Jester Confit
Berry Magician Girl
Berry Magician Girl
Berry Magician Girl
Fortune Fairy Chee
Apple Magician Girl
Lemon Magician Girl
Concentrating Current
Concentrating Current
Wonder Wand
Wonder Wand
Wonder Wand
Magicalized Fusion
Arcane Barrier
Arcane Barrier
Arcane Barrier
Quintet Magician
Zubaba General$P
Diamond Dire Wolf


  • Can be run Skill-less. Skills that can be run include Draw Sense: LIGHT , Draw Sense: FIRE , Draw Sense: EARTH , and Duel Fuel
  • Your ideal opening is to either summon Loading... (searching Chocolate) or Loading... (Discarding Berry to Draw a card), otherwise you want to attempt to stall with either Loading... or Loading...
  • Your Goal is to get 2 Loading... on the field (by using the effects of Berry, Chocolate, and/or Apple) in order to draw through your deck with their effects.
  • When applicable, use the redirection effects of your Magician Girls to protect the Chocolate Magician Girls, otherwise draw through your Deck as much as possible with Loading... and Loading... (Make sure you pass each turn with either 2 Chocolate Magician Girl or 1 Chocolate with a Berry in Graveyard and another Chocolate in Deck if possible)

Last Turn

  • Note that the final Turn doesn't necessarily need to occur when you're out of cards, if you have the means to Xyz Summon a Rank 4 and Loading... with over 10k ATK, that can make up for any Duel Assesment you would be missing (your mileage may vary, of course).
  • If possible, Xyz Summon your Loading... (As it's a guaranteed Prismatic, netting you bonus Duel Assessment)
  • Activate Loading... to Fusion Summon Loading... with 5 differently-named Spellcasters and use its effect to wipe the Field.
  • Activate both Loading... , on Quintet then activate Loading... , removing Loading... from Kite's hand.
  • Enter Battle Phase and Attack Directly for Victory

Kite Tenjo Lvl 40 Decklist

Galaxy Knight
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Galaxy Soldier
Galaxy Wizard
Galaxy Wizard
Numeral Hunter
Photon Thrasher
Photon Thrasher
Photon Thrasher
Photon Vanisher
Galaxy-Eyes Cloudragon
Galaxy Expedition
Galaxy Zero
Photon Sanctuary
Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Number 10: Illumiknight
Starliege Paladynamo

Kite Tenjo Lvl 30 Decklist

Photon Wyvern
Shining Angel
Shining Angel
Goddess with the Third Eye
Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon
Galaxy Soldier
Galaxy Dragon
Photon Chargeman
Reverse Buster
Reverse Buster
Photon Cerberus
Photon Cerberus
Photon Lizard
Photon Pirate
Photon Lead
Photon Sanctuary
Photon Trident
Twin Photon Lizard
Twin Photon Lizard
Number 10: Illumiknight
Number 20: Giga-Brilliant

If you have a unique farm deck, spot a mistake or just want to say something post it in the comments below!