In case you missed it, This Week's Meta Weekly, we had another interesting cast of decks, with several Invoked Magician Girls making it to Top 32. One of which was Psych0P, who managed to take it all in the Finals up against CosmixFlareXL's Shiranui. If you want to check out Psych0P's previous interview you can do so here.
Interview with Psych0P
How did the day go for you? What was your most memorable match?
It went pretty good as I never lost a single match. My most memorable match was a time limit win I got against Blackwings in the Semi-Finals!
Why did you go with Magician Girls?
No particular reason, I just wanted to try the deck out a bit and see how it did in a tournament setting.
Anything you'd like to say about your Decklist?
The combination of my Main and Side Deck provided me a good matchup against every deck I played against so I don't think I would change anything (only thing I would change is replacing Loading... with Loading... with the new box release).
Lastly, do you have any Shoutouts you would like to make?
Shoutouts to Shifu, Wise, UgotR3kt, and xnihil for supporting me all the way, and of course shoutouts to all my TZ and FM teammates!!
Winning Decklist:
That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!