In case you missed it, this week's Meta Weekly was one of the first few Meta Weeklies that after the recent balance changes that nerfed both Burning Abyss and D/D/D while also buffing Rose Dragons. In the Finals, we had one of several Rose Dragons piloted by
up against KING's Phantom Knights. It was a three-game slugfest, but eventually Bixie came out on top!Interview with Bixie
How does it feel to win this Meta Weekly?
Feels great to clinch another win, after coming close in Meta Weekly #234 a few weeks back. Been in kind of a mini-slump over the past few weeks due to lackluster performance in tournaments, so this win definitely helped.
What was your approach to the post-banlist format?
My approach to any format has always been the same actually: just play the best deck. I was on HEROs and D/D/D at the beginning of the post-banlist format for a good two weeks. Results were average and it certainly dipped even further after Rose Dragons started gaining popularity.
Why did you go with Rose Dragons?
I was very jealous after seeing my teammate
win tournaments with Rose Dragon. If he can do it, I can too.
How did the day go for you? Any notable matchups?
The tournament run went alright for me. It's always a struggle with playing optimally under fatigue in tournaments such as Meta Weekly due to the time-zone that I'm in. My most notable matchup would be against Hash's Rose Dragons in Top 8 as it was my first time playing the mirror and it certainly took a lot from me (and quite a bit of luck) to get through him.
Anything you'd like to say about your decklist?
Due to Rose Dragon's outstanding performance last week and the ease of access to the deck (Three Structure Decks and an Event card), I was expecting Rose Dragons to be heavily-represented in this Meta Weekly. As such, I mained three Loading... , which is not only really strong in the mirror, but also good against other popular decks that Rose Dragons have difficulty with such as Galaxy-Eyes and Metalfoes. I also chose to Side Deck 2 Mystical Space Typhoon as I figured it was not that great in the mirror. I chose to only run 1 Loading... and 1 Loading... as drawing multiple Rose Girls can be very unpleasant and Ruddy Rose Witch is searchable by Loading... to discard for Loading... . Furthermore, running lesser Rose Girls gives me space to run more copies of Loading... , which helps in the consistency department. As of now, I'm very happy with my decklist and I probably won't make any changes going forward if Rose Dragons continue to be popular.
Anything you'd like to say about your Tournament Experience?
Would just like to take this opportunity to encourage players who are reading to participate in Duel Links tournaments such as the Meta Weekly, Meta Freekly, etc. It is each and every one of your participation that sustains the competitive community.
Lastly, do you have any shout-outs you'd like to make?
Shout-out to my family Abusement Park, especially
, , Taaha and , whom accompanied me through the night and kept me going. Shout-out to all the fantastic players and friends in B.Z, Dino Rampage and Casual Heroes, whom always provide me with the drive to perform better. Finally, shout-out to , whom never fails to message me after Meta Weekly runs, whether it is to congratulate me on winning or to comfort me on falling short.
Winning Decklist:
That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!