
In case you missed it, this week's Meta Weekly was the first Meta Weekly after the new Mini BOX. As a result we had several new decks to play, being exemplified in the finals with

's Burning Abyss facing off against ' Galaxy-Eyes Deck, with Luke coming out on top!

Interview with Luke Tyler

How does it feel to win this Meta Weekly?

Feels great, I had a lot of fun! This is my third Meta Weekly win, but it's been three years since my last, so it's nice to win again. I enjoy the meta Duel Links has at the moment, so I had fun in the event regardless of placement.

What was your approach to this new Box Format?

Other than Burning Abyss with Loading... I hadn't looked too much into the other decks newly=supported from the recent BOX, so I suppose I relied more on the knowledge of my own deck and learned the other decks as I played.

Why did you go with Burning Abyss?

Burning Abyss has been my all-time favourite deck ever since I started playing competitively in the TCG in 2015, and even before Loading... came to the deck in Duel Links I desperately jumped through hoops to find a way to reach KoG with Burning Abyss. So I'm super happy with how much support the deck has gotten recently (Loading... , then Loading... then Loading... ). The deck is now quite reminiscent of how the pure version of Burning Abyss was in 2016. Favouritism aside, I genuinely think that Beatrice pushes the deck into meta relevancy - it's a huge boost for both power and grind.

How did the day go for you? Any notable matchups?

I managed beat all the D/D/D I faced, but with Odd-Eyes I didn't know a lot about the deck so I lost after making a couple of misplays. I faced Harpies in Top 16, which used to be one of the worst matchups for Burning Abyss - but now going first with Beatrice against a Normal Summon-reliant deck feels really strong. Other than that, it was cool to face some other newly-supported decks (Spellbooks and Galaxy-Eyes).

Anything you'd like to say about your decklist?

For the main deck, I used a trap-less build to summon Loading... more consistently. I don't think that Burning Abyss needs to draw a backrow to win going first anymore when Beatrice by herself is often enough in the defensive apartment. As for the Side Deck, I expected to face a mixture of new box decks and pre-existing top decks, so I tried to prepare my Side Deck with that in mind. Loading... is amazing against Pendulum decks (D/D/D and Odd-Eyes), Loading... is good against Burning Abyss, Galaxy-Eyes and Gandora. Loading... I threw into the deck to have an out to Loading... and an easier out to the new Loading... setup. As for changes, if I had a 3rd Loading... or Beatrice I would use it to replace Loading... .

Do you have anything else you'd like to say about your Tournament Experience?

I haven't played many tournaments recently, but I've been enjoying how Konami has been balancing Duel Links recently and for me that has certainly made competitive events more enticing to play (though I do wish the game was more affordable to those who want to get more competitively-involved).

Lastly, do you have any shout-outs you'd like to make?

Thank you to the DLM staff for hosting the event! I've been playing in these events for over 4 years now and still going. Shout-outs to my Twitch chat for hanging out with me during the stream where I KOG'd with Beatrice Burning Abyss a few hours before the tournament, and I look forward to talking about my Meta Weekly experience on Monday's stream. Also shoutout to my friend

for always discussing random decks and ideas with me. Shoutout to the readers for reading, and have a great day!

Winning Decklist:

That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!