In case you missed it, this week's Meta Weekly was the first Meta Weekly with the new Main Box! In the finals, we had
's Ritual Beasts cleaning up a swift 2-0 victory against 's Destiny HEROs.Interview with Waver
How does it feel to win this Meta Weekly?
Obviously it feels good, especially since that was my first tournament win ever, even though the finals felt kind of underwhelming. And of course I win with Ritual Beast, I guess if you smash your head often enough, eventually you will break the wall.
What was your approach going into the format?
It seems like that more people are going with a 20+ card Harpie build, but I'm not sure if that is the right approach. As a result, other slow decks don't get immediately overrun by harpies. Hard to say if that will be the direction the meta is going to, after the new Harpies' Hunting Ground Skill is implemented.
Why did you go with Ritual Beasts this Weekly?
I like playing Ritual Beast.
What? You want a reasonable explanation why Ritual Beast might fit in this meta than before? Not here.
How did the day go for you? Any notable matchups?
Notable games were when my opponent activated Loading... and I didn't draw a single Loading... .
Good Job from
for pinging me that I topped, otherwise I would still cry about the X-2 and would've gotten DQ'd.
Would you like to explain any of your Deck choices?
I didn't test a lot so I used Loading... since I had some good experience with it, but in this run it was only decent so I might swap that out.
Loading... and Loading... were just experimental and were rarely/never used.
Loading... is worth mentioning since it allows you to do more aggressive plays or play through Loading... . If going with Ritual Beast Ambush, I usually play it with Loading... , but that's not mandatory.
Lastly, do you have any shout-outs you'd like to make?
Shoutouts to the RegiBang Yu-Gi-Oh! channel were I trash talk most of the time and to all Yu-Gi-Oh! content creators I frequently join, whether it is TCG or just Duel Links, they do a good job keeping Yu-Gi-Oh! entertaining.
Winning Decklist:
That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!