Meta Weekly 205 Champion Spotlight - Ryu Zane
In case you missed it, this week's Meta Weekly was the last before the new Mini Box and Aporia's Release. In the finals, we had
's Water Xyz Deck take the crown against and his own Water Xyz Deck!Interview with Ryu Zane
How does it feel to win this Meta Weekly?
It feels amazing, its the second time I've won it, I've also come in second twice as well, which kind of hurt since they could have been more Championships.
Why did you go with Water Xyz this Weekly?
Its a fast and reliable deck, its kind of like Onomat, as it can defeat all decks and can be defeated by them all, too.
How did the day go for you? Any notable matchups?
I guess all of my top cut matches were special, because one match loss means youre out of the tournament, but if a need to pick one, I guess it was the very nice Finals match in a Water mirror against
Would you like to explain any of your Deck choices?
Its a deck thats been out there for a while, so its pretty much fixed, nothing particularly wrong, everything was on spot i believe
Do you have anything else you'd like to say about your Tournament Experience?
Thank you so much to all the organizers,
, the mods, & (that's me!) for allowing me this interview, and to all my followers. I´ve been receiving a lot of support throughout Discord and Twitter. I also want to get more deep into the DLM Coin side of DuelLinksMeta.
Lastly, do you have any shout-outs you'd like to make?
Thank you so much to all my followers from twitter @RyuZane1, to all my Arabs friends (Mody Hegazy, Rashed, Obada, Eren, etc), to my AU friends (Ryo Pain, Wumeed, etc), to my friends from DuelistWave (Jessica & Patrick), to my friends from DK (Hento, Danny Baldeón, Cristian J, Popeye, etc), to my friends from duellinkslatam and U7 (Lawliet, 死神, HaiseGoesMad, SuperViz, Cris ´Diosito´ Olivier, AltSSG, Ushiiez, Stratos, etc), also congratulations to W.DoZap and Brazil for the Team Wars Championship, to our beloved streamers EvilPaiol, Quantum Cubes and DuelLinksLounge, to Aliencore, also thanks to ゴーズ & trapdexter for being worthy opponents of mine :D
Winning Decklist:
That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!