
In case you missed it, this month's Meta Championship Series was the first large-scale tournament after Declan Akaba 's release and the recent Mini BOX and Structure Deck to support him. While there were several new decks throughout Swiss, the Top Cut was mostly filled by Harpies. In the finals, however, we had

's Melodious up against 's Gaia, with Serenity coming out on top, taking his first-ever MCS!

Interview with Serenity

How do does it feel to win the Meta Championship Series?

Feels good to finally win after so many attempts!

What was your interpretation of the Meta going into this MCS?

Feels like a rogue meta. Harpies and Melodious are the top two decks, while there's several rogue decks that can perform well right now.

Why did you go with Melodious?

It's my favorite deck by far. I've had a lot of fun solving and playing this deck the last couple weeks. I knew this would be the only deck I'd enter with - it was only a matter of how I would build it.

How did the day go for you? Any notable matchups?

The day felt pretty lucky. Swiss was tough, as I faced 3 Harpies which my deck was not built very well for. In Top 32, my Harpie opponent didn't show, then I faced good matchups throughout the rest of the tournament.

Anything else you'd like to say about your decklist?

Loading... was really good today for pushing lethal and gaining advantage. I played 24-cards because I wanted a smaller deck while still making room for Loading... . I didn't play Loading... because I felt it was weak against Harpie and D/D/D.

Lastly, do you have any shout-outs you would like to make?

Great tournament as always, mods great as always.

Shoutout to

, , , , sauce god, , , , , and all my homies at Phoenix for helping me out during Top 32, and shoutout to all my friends cheering me on along the way

Winning Decklist:

That's all we got for this DLM Champion spotlight! What kind of questions should we be asking in the future? Comment down below!