
King of Games from on July 31st, 2022
Gems 55.5k
20 cards

Notes & Combos

With there only being 1 day left of July and a 6 loss streak with Synchrons looming over me, I had more or less given up hope of getting to King of Games this month. I clambered back to Legend 5, called it a day, and went to sleep. When I woke up this morning, I unlocked Rio and browsed her skills expecting there to be nothing of value... until I remembered Twins Together. I threw together a quick concept build and went into Ranked expecting to get demoted straight to Legend 4.

...I went on a 5 win streak and got straight back to KoG without a single loss. You'd be surprised how many people couldn't out Crystalzero Lancer.

Similarly to the standard Shark deck, Beautunaful and Buzzsaw are 1-card Xyz's.

  • Turn 1 go for whatever Xyz is most effective against your opponent, e.g. Lancer for D/D/D, Dweller for PK, Roach for Hero, etc. (Maybe even Ouroboros if you're feeling lucky.)

  • Turn 2 you generally want to go for Crystalzero Lancer and try and hit your opponent as hard as possible.

The rest of the deck is built around making this as smooth as possible. Adjust depending on what you're facing.

Hard to say if this is better than Swimming with the Abyss - I think it has the potential to be, as I think this is far from optimal. One thing for sure though is it's A LOT more fun.

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