Evil Eye

King of Games from on August 13th, 2022
Gems 37k
21 cards

Notes & Combos

Evil Eye gamers, I have returned. Unfortunately, I was unable to KoG in July as I was on a work trip the entire month. Anyway, I am back with the same boring old standard Evil Eye deck I have used for the past seven months.

Zenmaines continues to perform well and I would still recommend everyone runs him. I switched out Nightmare Shark with Ghostrick Alucard this time around. - Alucard came up once and Nightmare Shark would have won me a game if I had it. The seventh slot hardly matters, play Gaia, a rank 4, or a rank 3. Run whatever extra deck monster makes YOU happy!

I know 21 cards is odd but I have fine consistency. If you are having trouble then drop a TTH or the Galaxy Cyclone. Running a second copy of Awakening is also not a bad idea if you want to go that route.

Level Tuning is still the best skill to run with Evil Eye, especially now. You can use the skill on Akiza and bait people into thinking you are playing Rose Dragon. The amount of times people went into Steelswarm Roach against me gave me a good laugh.

Never quit bossing my Evil Eye brothers. Watch out for those BoM's and let's get that Evil Eye deck count UP! Also, Galaxy-Eyes players malding.

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