
KC Cup DLv. Max from on February 14th, 2024

Notes & Combos

I decided to play only 3 traps because most of the time going first its enough to have one or two off engine pieces that are not kaiju or mind control plus combo.

Going second i decided i dont want to play cards that to destroy, but that do take control, because in most instances it plays through removal, breaks boards better and is on the long run just more versatile.

Also Kaijus are insane tbh. In mirrors as well as in tachyon you can just win cuz u disrupt their best engine cards.

I would still play dd crow due to being pretty good against gy reliant strats like Dark magician, yubel, ra, mayakashi and shiranui. Veiler is good interrupt hella big chainlinks.

If you have a second unicorn instead of creb play that.

Deck still kinda sacky, either u have of engine and win or u dont

NOTE: I do NOT know how good other decklists and staple picks of my opps in replays are, i just post my last couple of games (except loses most of them are "they resolved trade in twice or i did not have of engine)

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