Tournament Information


  • 14 Players.
  • Single Elimination
  • 1 Deck.
  • Best of 3.

Full Standings

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Top Decklists - Prize Support: $10

1st Place –

2 copies
Seahorse Carrier
Extra Spice the Elite Noodle Ninja
3 copies
Spice the Elite Noodle Ninja
3 copies
Thunder Gazelle
Archfiend Soldier
3 copies
Flame Cerebrus
3 copies
Kanan the Sword Diva
3 copies
Stock the Noodle Ninja
3 copies
Flavor Inspector
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Talismanic Seal Array
2 copies
The Noodle Art of Roastery
Widespread Ruin

2nd Place –

2 copies
Royal Rebel's Heavy Metal
3 copies
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Invasion
Rogue of Archfiend
3 copies
Rising Light Angel Essel
3 copies
Shadow Buyer
3 copies
Royal Rebel's Phaser
3 copies
Cobalt Cobolt
3 copies
Babysitter Goat
2 copies
Ghost Cyclone
Monster Reincarnation
Widespread Ruin
King's Majesty
Music Princess's Recital

3rd/4th Place – Giorfio

Extra Spice the Elite Noodle Ninja
3 copies
Spice the Elite Noodle Ninja
Vorse Raider
3 copies
Flame Cerebrus
3 copies
3 copies
Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts
3 copies
Stock the Noodle Ninja
3 copies
Flavor Inspector
3 copies
Babysitter Goat
Descendant of Titans
Monster Reincarnation
3 copies
The Noodle Art of Roastery
Widespread Ruin
King's Majesty

3rd/4th Place –

Top Tier Decks